Friday, November 30, 2007

Messiah Complex - Week 5 Rundown


Storm's team (Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Archangel) ambush the Marauders with mental assistance from Emma Frost, but her connection to the team is broken when Pixie screws up teleporting the New X-Men out of the Purifier's base and sends out a massive cry of pain. With the advantage theirs again, the Marauders wipe the floor with the X-Men, but not before Gambit reveals to Wolverine just who has the baby. The Sentinels are overrun and attack the mansion just as the X-Men start planning what do about the very-much-alive Cable, who is on the run with the mutant baby.

THE CASUALTY LIST (new casualties italicized)
Pixie (New X-Men) - Injured
Nightcrawler (X-Men) - Shot

Hellion (New X-Men) - Injured
Madrox (X-Factor) - Comatose
Blockbuster (Marauders) - Killed
Prism (Marauders) - Killed

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